Sunday, August 24, 2008

a 5 Dollars stOry~

It is a story happened on a taiwan actress...

One day she has called a taxi after finished her photograph shooting. The fare meter showed the amount of $180 when she arrived. She paid the driver a $200 note. Taxi driver kept the note without saying any word.

According to Taiwan taxi rate, the actual charge should be the amount shown on the fare meter plus $15. Thus, the taxi driver was supposed to give her $5 back. Nevertheless, the driver has no intention to do so. After awhile she get down from the taxi without collecting her $5, since it is just a small amount.

While she was closing the door, she realised that she was actually calling a network taxi. A network taxi requires an extra $10 charge. In fact, she owed the driver $5. She quickly knocked the taxi window and passed a $5 coin to him.

After collected her coin, the taxi driver said:"Luckily you know that you were actually paying me less; otherwise, i would be thinking that even you are such a well-known actress also try to take advantage from me."

The actress was so frustrating, and told her fren that the driver should tell her earlier rather than keeping quiet. She is not stingy with the $5 at all.

Such a misunderstanding is usually happened in our daily life, especially Asian. We always perceive that things can be settled easier if we try to be forgiveness and be tolerant with the unhappiness.

Telling the truth allow others learn from the mistake that he/she is not able to identify themselves. According to the chinese literature-- tolerance is a virtue, i think it is more adaptive to be used when you are listening to other's advises and comments. Before entering the digest stage, human has to bite and swollow the food. Similar to the matters happen around us, we have to stay calm and absorb. There are many things we can learn from, not necessary to be somebody that are high profile.

Extreme tolerant could be harmful towards friendship and relationships. It will also cause illness. Choose a right time and right attitude to deliver your idea, treat whoever that are forthright to you nicely. Acceptance allows change.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the art of communicating...

In business, we always talk about leadership qualities, creative, innovative, punctuality and so on. Yup! That is the key towards success; but have we come across good communication skills?

Communication skills are one of the most basic things that we all should have. It is not only important in business, but also in our everyday life as we have to deal with people all the time. The world doesn’t just revolve around one person; it moves on because everyone plays their role.

Being a leader is always an advantage to prove our own capabilities. But being a leader doesn’t mean that we are the boss, top of the world; more superior to everyone else. Try not to be so much of a leader but a captain instead. Direct them, lead them and instruct them but yet, participate together with them. Get to know everyone of your team mates, communicate progressively among each other in order to make work smoother and more progressive. It is always easier to spot a mistake than noticing that one has done a good job. Therefore, always provide positive feed back to them and try and praise them for the things that they have done well enough. When they have difficulties meeting their job responsibilities, always provide them with an attitude of helpfulness; advice them and help them out.

When we are good in dealing with people, our social network increases, this will definitely bring advantages to us; especially those in the business field. The more connections you have, the better it is. Even if we are not in business, we still have to face and deal with the people around us. That includes our family to friends and also to our colleagues and people in our extended network.

When we have good communicating skills, we are more sociable and more adaptive. It will be easier for us to approach anyone and talk to them without barrier. Who knows what good it brings you at the end of the day. No matter how stubborn and how hard it is for us to deal with that particular person, always remember to be patient. Try to understand him/her more. When you speak right at their means, it will be easy. ‘Capture their hearts and you will get whatever that you desire.’ Keep that in mind. As long as you can tackle them psychologically, you will always win. =)

Hope you guys get what I meant and hope it’s not too dry and hard too absorb.

by Woei Lin - vice treasurer

Monday, August 11, 2008

Now or Never

I’m sorry for the late post of my article, as I am quite busy recently. Last week Xiu Tao had talked about the keys to success, so this week I’m am introducing one of our biggest enemies to achieve success, Procrastination.

According to Wikipedia, procrastination is an avoidance behavior that characterized by the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. In simple words, procrastination is a habit that one does to delay his actions or tasks.

Since very young I have been practice this habit where every time I was given a task or something I would tell myself, ‘never mind do it tomorrow I still got plenty of time left!’, and delayed the tasks to the very late. Sometimes I would even procrastinate the time is running out, for instance, during high school examinations I always tell myself, ‘don’t worry I still have 1 month to study!’ and then ‘I think 2 week enough for me to cover all’ and on the last week, ‘one week? Can la sure no problem…’ and even to the day before the exam, ‘OMG tomorrow is chemistry, wait a minute, I think I can cover the topics in 2 hours…’ In the end, I didn’t study for the exams at all, and I suffered very very bad results for the exams.

Besides from myself, I noticed a lot people also like to procrastinate. ‘C’mon we can finish this very fast, let’s go out and play’; ‘Damn I never liked this task, I will do it later’. Then I started to think about it, maybe procrastination is a Malaysian culture. I am serious.

For many people their reasons to procrastinate can be different. It can be from being lazy, to being distracted by something else. I am not a lazy guy (PLEASE DON’T LAUGH I’M BEING VERY SERIOUS), but I always distracted by other influences, maybe because my willpower is very weak. I used to try myself to get rid of some addictions (not the serious ones like alcoholism and smoking), yet I couldn’t success even until now. For example, I used to control myself to play lesser computer games, but I always tell myself ‘never mind I will stop playing I tomorrow, today will be the last day so I must play more!’, and so, tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow, until the tomorrows of now I’m still playing spending hours on computer. Not only this, I had tried to control my other bad habits but never success, because I always procrastinate. Then I came to a conclusion, my willpower is very very weak.

To overcome it, I always tell myself, if you want to do something, do it NOW, or u can NEVER finish it. For me it’s quite true because I always procrastinate and procrastinate, then leave everything undone. For people like me it’s very difficult to achieve, but u won’t get any fruit if u don’t try. I believe with a strong determination (although i don't have), one can overcome everything even though the possibility is very small.

by Wei Yang - Treasurer of Young Entrepreneurs' Club

Monday, August 4, 2008

A key to leadership and promotion

The one quality that all leaders have in common is that they have a clear and exciting vision for the future. This is something that only the leader can do. Only the leader can think about the future and plan for the future each day.

Take the Time to Think

Excellent corporate leaders take the time to think through and develop a clear picture of where they want the organization to be in one, three and five years. Leaders have the ability to communicate this vision in such a way that others "buy in" and eventually see the vision as belonging to them.

Motivate People to Give of Their Best

It is the vision of the future possibilities, of what can be, that arouses emotion and motivates people to give of their best. The most powerful vision is always qualitative, aimed at and described in terms of values and mission rather than quantitative, which is described in terms of money and numbers.

Money is Important

Of course, money is important, but the decision and commitment to "be the best in the business" is far more exciting.

Team Building and Teamwork

A study at Stanford Business School examined the qualities that companies look for in promoting young managers toward senior executive positions, especially the position of Chief Executive Officer. The study concluded that the two most important qualities required for great success were, first, the ability to put together and function as part of a team. Since all work is ultimately done by teams, and the managers' output is the output of the team, the ability to select team members, set objectives, delegate responsibility and finally, get the job done, was central to success in management.

Keep Your Cool

Another key to leadership success is for you to "keep your cool." You must be able to function well under pressure, and especially in a crisis. Keeping your cool in a crisis means to practice patience and self-control under difficult or disappointing circumstances.

People Are Watching

The character and quality of a leader is often demonstrated in these critical moments under fire, when everyone is watching, observing and privately taking notes. As Rudyard Kipling once said, "If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then the world is yours and all that's in it".

Your job as a leader is to have a clear vision of where you want to go and then to keep your cool when things go wrong, as they surely will.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, project forward 3-5 years and imagine your ideal future vision. What does it look like? What steps can you take immediately to begin turning your future vision into your current reality?

Second, resolve in advance that, no matter what happens, you will remain calm and cool. You will not become upset or angry. You will take a deep breath and focus on the solution rather than on the problem.