Monday, July 28, 2008

Dealing With Emotions

Some of you might be thinking why am i writing on this issue. Well, it's because i'm trying to deal with my own emotions right now. Sad to say i still couldn't find a perfect way to ease the pain in my heart.

Let me start by telling you guys how i feel..... (abit personal but i'll be more open here)

1.) Broke off from a really good relationship due to some reasons which i cannot disclose here.
2.) Knowing that both of us still have feelings for each other, we tried to stay as close friends, going for movies, spending time together as "Friends"

3.) Recently things started to changed, she met with new friends and started going out with a guy which seemed to be her new partner.

4.) Don't know why but it hurts real deep when i found out from a friend of mine. Didn't expect this coming because our so called friendship looked perfect. I know i shouldn't be feeling this way but just cant help it....

Confused on my own feelings for once in myself. To make things worse i watched a movie entitled "Sex and the City". Watch it and you'll know what i mean.

Thank God for new semester which started today and a bunch of friends which i can hang out with....making my life as busy to ignore what's stirring inside...hoping that time can settle all ??

For a Christian like me, i always talk to God and i talked more often these days. I believe that is why i'm still surviving on this emotional attack because i can lay all my burdens on Him.

But going through this, i realized some things: Hope i didn't bore you guys......

by Michael Chong